2nd Session, (roughly) 5:15 pm:
Scott will go bubonic on up to Five (5) other players in Plague & Pestilence!
Plague & Pestilence is "a light card game involving the build-up and destruction of medieval towns. In the Prosperity phase, players attempt to build up their populations via stealing from other players or via improvements. Then the Death Ship arrives bearing the plague! In the Plague phase players attempt to kill off other players by playing war, pestilence or other deadly attacks. The cards contain illustrations reminiscent of medieval woodcuts featuring the Grim Reaper."
Each player has a city. Each player rolls the die each turn to see how fast their city grows. The cards you're dealt can be played to improve your city with things like aqueducts, or to damage someone else's city. You can even start wars! When the plague starts, your population will drop. The winner is the last city with any population left.
This game is now rare and has been sold on ebay for nearly $300! Yikes! So be nice to Scott's cards. Being nice includes not stealing them.
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